Transformational Leadership
for Africa

At the end of the programme, you will receive:

Transformational Leadership for Africa

Knowledge, skills, and network that will change your life forever.

At the end of the programme, you will receive:

Why TLA?

The TLA Masterclass is an executive-level course on Leadership and Management, where participants learn innovative and creative methods of leading organizations in an increasingly complex society. The course is delivered by expert faculty and takes into account the practical implications of cutting-edge technologies, international policies, global competition, crises, and climate change in leadership and management. Course participants are taken through a study tour of documented impacts of striking leadership innovations, and decisions in organizations, businesses, and countries of the world, to unearth a pattern for application in other leadership or management situations.

Across the globe, rounded leaders are in short supply. This arguably explains the continuing tension in global security, a worsening economy, energy crises, and dwindling prosperity in the nations of the world, with Africa at the bottom. Making the most of governance at the organizational, national, and international levels required a painstaking discovery of responsive strategies of leadership and management, which leaders may apply to solve wicked leadership problems and deliver organizational goals with resounding levels of success.

Who Attends TLA?

Participants at TLA include:

0 +
African countries
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Degree & certificates
0 +

Learning Outcomes

Key learning outcome at the Transformational Leadership for Africa (TLA) Masterclass include:

Benefits to Participants

Participants at TLA leave with:

Honorary Doctoral award categories

TLA Calendar


Programme Structure

Inclusive Packages:

Programme Date & Fee:

Date: 13th – 16th March, 2024

Venue: GC Royal Hotel, Osu Business District, Accra, Ghana.

Registration fee: $1,950

What Other Participants are Saying About TLA

Meet Some TLA Faculty Members

Dr. Ben Nwankwo

Dr. Mahesh Pillai

Dr. Krishnabhaskar M.

Amo Adai

Dr. Kwame Nyamekye

Dr. Siaw

Global Organizing Partners

Africa Institute of Public Administration

Leading Edge Business School

Northeastern University

Win Institute for Gender Stdies

Programme Accreditations

Next Step?

Choose one of the following options right now before all available seats get filled up:

DOWNLOAD programme brochure

Download the programme brochure and let us reserve a spot for you for FREE as you make preparations to attend.

Chat us on WhatsApp

Chat with one of the programme directors on WhatsApp to learn more.

Call us to learn more

You may want to call our Africa learning partner (Leading Edge Business School, Abuja) to learn more about the programme.

Mobile: +2348149999238

Tel: +234(0)2095012094