Dr. Fadamiye Ayodele Kayode

Meet our alumni

Dr. Fadamiye Ayodele Kayode, DFAI

Popularly called The Leadership Doctor, AYO FADUMIYE is a renowned Leadership Expert, Coach, Trainer, Speaker and a certified NLP Practitioner. He is the Managing/Leading Partner of LEADERSHIP EDGE CONSULT, an empowerment outfit through which he has impacted many leaders in educational institutions, corporate outfits and renowned leadership institutes across Nigeria. Some of the clients are LANDWEY Limited, PERTINENCE Group, GTEXT Homes, HealthShare Procurement Company, Lagos Free Zone, SIDMACH Technology, The Dexterity Group, BIGDREAMS Homes, JAO Accounting Firm, TRUcolor Prints and many more educational institutions as Lead Pastor, he also provides spiritual leadership at CITADEL OF LIGHT, a young and vibrant church in Ikotun, Lagos.

He has attended leadership development courses and academy including the prestigious DAYSTAR LEADERSHIP ACADEMY (Basic, Advance & Executive Levels) and WORD OF FAITH BIBLE INSTITUTE (Basic, Leadership and Diploma Certificate).

He is also a member of the Faculty for KINGDOM INSTITUTE, a leadership empowerment academy in Lagos.Under GEMSTONE Nation Builders Foundation, Ayo teamed up with Fela Durotoye, Nigeria’s foremost inspirational Speaker, to build young leaders that will build Nigeria into one of the most desirable countries to live in by December 31, 2025.He currently hosts ENTERPRISE GROWTH ACADEMY with ayoFADUMIYE…an initiative to inspire aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs to become marketplace leaders.

Ayo has also authored several life-transforming books and resources including “SO YOU CALL YOURSELF A LEADER” and “TAKE THE LEAD”, a practical guide to help beginners discover, develop and deploy their leadership potentials. His unique approach to driving leaders towards excellence and exceptional performance makes him sought-after in conferences, seminars and workshops. He is married to Esther FADUMIYE, a USA certified Marriage Mentor & Relationship Coach. Their union is blessed with children

Dr. Fadamiye Ayodele Kayode, DFAI

Upcoming programmes

Transformational Leadership for Africa (TLA)

The London Bridge Business School in partnership with the Africa Institute of Public Administration (AIPA), Northwestern University, Leading Edge Business School and three other learning partners organized one of the most innovative leadership programmes to develop globally ranked leaders from Africa.

Global Executive Management Masterclass (GEMM)

Global Executive Management Masterclass (GEMM) is a unique program designed to provide mid-career executives and professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the global business environment, leadership skills, and strategy development. LBBS is a founding member of GEMM along with two other global institutions.