Indalo Dorcus I am qualified, confident and results driven personnel with a highly successful background in the achievement of excellence through innovation and successful strategies towards improving livelihoods. I appreciate being part of, as well as managing, inspiring and mentoring, a successful and productive team, and thrive in highly pressurized and challenging working environments. A social scientist with more than ten years of experience in lobby, advocacy, legislative drafting, project management, comprehensive HIV/AIDs care, Maternal, New born and Child Health, Community development, research, motivation speaker and charity patron To work in any agency using my acquired experience and my professional expertise to better serve the interest of the agency and its clientele, where I will be able to achieve my career objectives.
Put into practice my learned and acquired skills in my academic excellence for the benefit of my agency, my colleagues, clientele and own career development.
To uphold the agency’s conducts and components by maintaining competence, professional development, integrity, obligations to my career advancement and carrying out research
Septemper 2015 Continuing Tangaza University College Institute of Social Ministry in Mission The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Transformation major in Advocacy and Governance, Minor in Sustainable development Thesis: The role of Civil Society in Improving health policies and practice through legislation.
2008 – 2010 University of Nairobi School of Medicine Master’s in Public Health – Major (Health planning, policy development & Primary health care) Thesis: Patient retention and associated factors in the ART program (Case study of Patients in the ART program in Kibera Health center)
2006 – Withdrawn Kenyatta Univeristy Master’s in Business Administration – Major in Human Resource Management Third Semester – Research work Research topic: Impact of HIV/AIDs on employees in the banking industry (Case study of staffs in KBC and standard Chartered Bank)
1996 – 2000 Catholic University of Eastern Africa Bachelor of Arts in Social Science (Social Work) – 2nd Class Honours Upper Division Research Presentation and defended: Psychosocial effects of confinement of juvenile offenders (Case study of Juvenile offenders in Kabete Approved school)
The London Bridge Business School in partnership with the Africa Institute of Public Administration (AIPA), Northwestern University, Leading Edge Business School and three other learning partners organized one of the most innovative leadership programmes to develop globally ranked leaders from Africa.
Global Executive Management Masterclass (GEMM) is a unique program designed to provide mid-career executives and professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the global business environment, leadership skills, and strategy development. LBBS is a founding member of GEMM along with two other global institutions.