Meet our alumni

Dr. Nnamah Obiekwe Paul MNIS, MNHS, MIAEGE, FIMC, FIMS, FABC

Early, in my career, I worked in Civil and Hydrological engineering and construction projects, especially on roads, pipeline/power line and water line, drainage, dredging, dams, irrigation, erosion control and reclamation projects. Afterwards, I spent 8 of the 32years in seismic and exploration operations between Seismograph Service Ltd and Schlumberger, working as a Surveyor,  Navigator, Personnel Manager and Client Relations Manager in Nigeria, UK and South America. I spent over 10 years in Shell Nigeria, as a Surveyor, Navigator, Geomatics Engineer, Company Site Representative and Consultant, supporting exploration, drilling, pipeline and facility projects on land, swamp and offshore locations. I later completed a 5 year secondment to West African Gas Pipeline Project (WAGP) as the Project Lead Geomatics Engineer and Surveyor, covering all offshore and onshore locations across the four West African project countries i.e Nigeria, Benin Republic, Togo and Ghana.   

Currently,  I am the founder and Managing Director of Sckopemate Konsult Limited since 2011 and later incorporated a sister company, Scope Technical Services Limited in 2018, both companies, including other subsidiaries, makes up the Sckope Group. We have focused on providing wide range of Geosciences, Engineering, Construction, Project Management, Project Supervision and Consultancy Services, in both on-and-offshore locations. During the past 35 years, I have acquired a wide range of hands-on, technical, project management &supervision and consultation experience in onshore and offshore projects. My amphibious potential, including surveying, engineering and management background has endowed me with a formidable knowledge and strength to work, support project, contract, plan, design, execute and consult in any environment. I’m sufficiently computer literate and familiar with  AutoCAD, including various design and engineering practice packages and codes.  


1. Enhanced Contract Management (ECM 1&11)                            – Shell Certified.         

2. Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS)               – Member.    

3. International Federation of Hydrographic Society.                      – Member.     

 4. Nigerian Hydrographic Society (NHS).                                        – Member.     

 5. Surveyors Registration Council of Nigeria (SURCON)                 – Registered Surveyor.  

 6. Nigeria Institute of Surveyors (NIS)                                             – Member.      

7. Project Management Professionals (PMP)                                   – Trained.   

8. Nigeria Association For Engineering Geology and The Environment (NAEGE)              – Member.      

9. International Association for Engineering Geology and The Environment.(IAEGE)         – Member.     

10. Institute of Management Consultants (IMC)                               – Fellow.            

11. Institute of Management Specialist (IMS)                                   – Fellow.     

12. African Business Club (ABC)

Dr. Nnamah Obiekwe Paul MNIS, MNHS, MIAEGE, FIMC, FIMS, FABC

Upcoming programmes

Transformational Leadership for Africa (TLA)

The London Bridge Business School in partnership with the Africa Institute of Public Administration (AIPA), Northwestern University, Leading Edge Business School and three other learning partners organized one of the most innovative leadership programmes to develop globally ranked leaders from Africa.

Global Executive Management Masterclass (GEMM)

Global Executive Management Masterclass (GEMM) is a unique program designed to provide mid-career executives and professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the global business environment, leadership skills, and strategy development. LBBS is a founding member of GEMM along with two other global institutions.